Seeking Volunteers 

We are looking for people who would like to volunteer their time.
We are looking for young minds with fresh ideas to help us built 
Gateway of Hope House of Restoration

As well as volunteers of all ages to help us in the prosses. 

Gateway of Hope House of Restoration
In upper Westchester, N.Y.

Gateway of Hope House of Restoration 
 will be a home for women survivors of childhood abuse of all type,
for rape, assault and trafficking victims.

We will be elaborating on Gateway of Hope House of Restoration
and how you can become a part of what we are doing.
What we need and how to move forward.
Your input will be highly valued.

Your help will greatly be appreciated. 

Location: The Hendrick Hudson free Library 
185 Kings Ferry Rd,
Montrose, NY 10548

March 22, 2019
Time: 5:00 pm

Bring a friend!

Students who become volunteers will be given a letter of recommendation 
for future employers or for class credits.

If you would like to join us fill out the form on the left of the screen.

Gateway of Hope House of Restoration